At Productivity SA, we believe in the power of productivity. Our goal is to lead and inspire a productive South Africa, thereby growing the economy and increasing our country’s competitiveness within the global market.The mandate of Productivity SA is to enhance the productive capacity of all South Africans. Productivity SA aims to be the champion of productivity in South Africa and carry out its mandate and strategy by highlighting the fact that productivity matters and that productivity has influential consequences on the growth of our economy.
Enhancing Our Economy, One Company at a Time.
We endeavour to improve productivity through analysis, advice, monitoring, implementation and evaluation of targeted solutions to develop South Africa into an economic powerhouse ‒ ensuring lower unemployment rates, reduced poverty and a higher standard of living for all. An economy is only as strong as the sum of its parts. Therefore, with our vast experience and a proven track record, we strive to service and improve the productivity of all businesses and organisations.
Analysis of long-term global statistical trends shows a strong correlation between national productivity and levels of unemployment, crime, poverty, education and living standards.
The more productive an economy, the more competitive it will be in international markets. This often results in lower unemployment levels. The same applies to businesses and organisations, i.e. more productive companies generate more income, which can be allocated to future investments, such as job creation.
Productivity is a vital indicator for lucrative investment opportunities, and provides funds for creating new jobs and reorganising individuals within a workforce.
Productivity SA champions productivity in South Africa. Our mandate is to create a more productive nation, and emphasise the importance of productivity and its influence on our employment growth.